Choirs, Bands and Bells...
Music is a key part of us worshipping God
Across our network of churches, we have a rich variety of inspiring and moving worship, with different styles and traditions - from Bach to Bethel...
How about joining one of our choirs or worship bands, learn how to ring bells, or help out with sound and production?

Come and join one of our choirs
We have several excellent choirs across our network of churches.
The choir at All Saints Odiham is about 20-strong, and helps lead worship most Sundays, as well at other services and events - including a live broadcast on BBC Radio 4 Sunday Worship from All Saints in 2015. The choir rehearses on Friday evenings each week at 7.30pm. Contact Lynn Lymer to find out more.
The choir at St Mary’s Upton Grey helps lead worship, mostly on the 1st Sunday of the month and sometimes at other services. Practice night is usually the Tuesday before that Sunday. Contact Sarah Barnes to find out more.
The “Sing UP” United Parish choir sings a service most months, going round the five village churches of the UP in turn. Contact Nick Willmer to find out more.
Contemporary Worship
Come and join one of our worship bands
In our informal services, we enjoy extended times of contemporary sung worship, and we are currently developing a new worship band.
If you play a musical instrument or enjoy singing, or have experience of leading or playing in a contemporary worship band, we'd love to hear from you!
We also have a growing team who support sound and AV production.
Please contact Chris Dudgeon to explore further...

Bell ringing
Come and ring in one of our churches
Several of our churches have bell-ringing groups, and if you would like to learn to ring you will be warmly welcomed.
Ringing does not require a large amount of effort, only an ability to count when ringing, a sense of timing and a reasonable level of physical and mental agility.
Contact Fiona Sayers to find out more.