More Together
Making a difference in our community
We long to make a positive difference as we serve our community and meet their needs more and more in Jesus name, especially in caring for people in need, or who are uunwell or housebound, and supporting and encouraging parents and families.
As part of this, we love organising events in the heart of our communities that are fun, draw people together, and are a blessing to all.
Below are some examples of events we organise. We'd love you to come along and join in! We'd also love it if you'd like to help with running these events. Check out the calendar, or contact the Church Office for more details.

See you at this year’s fete! There will be so many fantastic things to do! We’ll have Fullers Horses & Dray, a Bouncy Castle, our Big Church Tent, a Fire Engine, a Chinook, and much much more! If you’re feeling peckish there will be a BBQ, Pimm's & Ice Cream, Cream Teas and lots of other scrumptious Summery delights! And for everyone from 1 - 100 we have our famous annual Dog Show! Come along and have a wonderful day!