Baptism declares that you're a follower of Jesus Christ. It's a public confession of your faith in, and commitment to, Jesus Christ. It's the next step after salvation through repentance and faith, and is an important foundation for Christian life.
It's a symbol of Christ’s burial and resurrection. Your entrance into the water during baptism identifies you with Christ’s death on the cross, His burial in the tomb and His resurrection from the dead.
And it's a symbol of your brand new life as a Christian. You bury your “old life” as you go into the water during baptism (or have it sprinkled on your forehead as a baby), and you rise to walk in a “new life”.

Infant Baptism
Congratulations if you’ve recently welcomed a new baby to the world! Like many people at this wonderful stage of life, you may be looking for a way to thank God for giving you such an amazing gift. We count it as a privilege to offer you the opportunity to do just that, with a service of Baptism or Thanksgiving.
Do come along and introduce yourself on a Sunday morning at one of our services (at any of our churches) and we’ll get started on the planning, including both baptism preparation and the service itself.
You may also like to visit the Church of England infant baptism website.
We look forward to meeting you!
Adult Baptism and Confirmation
If you're a teenager or adult, and you've put your whole trust in Jesus, we'd love to explore with you what it means and what's involved in being baptised.
We offer opportunities for adult baptism through the year - either at a font in church, or in a swimming pool (these tend to be in the summer!)
If you're already baptised, being confirmed is an important next stage in the Christian faith. It's a moment to confirm your baptismal vows, to confirm your participation in church life – and for the Bishop to confirm to the whole community that your faith is real!
Do get in touch for more information, or visit the Church of England baptisms website.